Who I am: Emmi, a 24-year-old finance & accounting major from Turku School of Economics who has previous work experience from financial sector. Currently enjoying of the opportunity to expand my business understanding and skills in a dynamic startup environment. Passionate about finance, economics and Excel as well as traveling and learning new ways to think. I spend my spare time exploring the city by running, meeting new people and enjoying delicious food.
What I do at FACC: Analyzing and improving FACC’s financial reporting process, meeting new people and learning more about the American business culture.
Why New York: New York is my favorite city because of the energetic and inspiring atmosphere among hard-working business professionals living here. Each day is different and you never know who you end up meeting on a normal Monday. Besides business perspective, New York is an exciting city full of fashion, art, coffee and amazing food.
What I have learned: My internship has strengthened my organizational skills and my ability to understand company’s business model and project results from the grass roots to the board level. I’ve also gained experience in other fields of business such as sales and marketing, which for me is valued since it is not my actual field of study. This internship has also enhanced my understanding of the American business environment and skills to cooperate with American professionals and co-workers.
Find me online: LinkedIn
Business Development: Tiina Vaahtio Marketing: Lotte Lönnqvist Communications: Verna Vuoripuro