Finnish American Chamber of Commerce New York promotes and fosters trade, business, financial and professional interest and commercial relations between Finland and the U.S.
FACC NY is a membership driven, non-profit business association which is supported by a group of growth-minded Finnish and American companies, organizations and their leaders. FACC’s Members share a common interest in promoting bilateral business relations between Finland and United States in order to create new commercial opportunities benefitting both countries.
Entering into the U.S. market?

Setting up a business in the U.S? We are here to help.
With decades of professional experience, valuable insight into the U.S. market, and a cultivated network of businesses and professionals, the Finnish American Chamber of Commerce - New York is here to help you tackle this new frontier and help your business grow. We will provide you with:
Assistance planning itinerary and meetings for initial visits to New York
Personalized introductions to relevant businesses and professionals
Frequent networking opportunities
Seminars highlighting developments and innovations in specific industries
Opportunity to showcase your product/service in tailor-made promotional events
Opportunity to channel company news in our monthly newsletter (i.e. recruitment and funding rounds and other business highlights)
Board of Directors

Kati Kaivonen
President of FACC
Steven Tseng
Chairman of FACC
Alexander Ehrnrooth
Virala Oy Ab
George Caraberis
Fredricks Michael & Co
Timo Matikkala
Neal Beaton
Holland & Knight LLP
Michael Student
Sullivan & Worcester, LLP
Alexiina Ahonkivi
Juha Koponen
Borenius Attorneys Ltd
Joonas Aho
Teemu Matikkala
Jarmo Sareva
Consul General of Finland in New York
Leonard Kopelman
Honorary Director
Honorary Consul General
of Finland, Boston
Lars Colliander
Honorary Director